To deny our own Impulses.. is to deny the very thing that makes us Human!! - 'The Matrix'.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
My tète-à-tète about astrology! ;)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Randomly running amok!

Sunday, September 13, 2009
That was a date of mine! ;)
Then came the moment of the day! We three were already 30 minutes late into the web designing event. Until that time, I had a decent opinion about Kicha's technical skills. But what happened thereafter clearly showed that Kicha was surely a cut above the rest :) Kicha and myself were asked to create a website for I-pods, and mass [He was a lone-wolf mind you! :) ], was asked to create a website for laptops. We three took our seats, and got down to business! Mass opened MSHearts game in that Web designing contest (!), and started playing. Unable to bear this, the system shutdown almost immediately and refused to switch on. And then, what Kicha did was even more hilarious! He opened an image in the site created by some earlier team in photoshop, and being a techie, he redefined the 3-fingered-salute there! viz, Left mouse button+Ctrl+Z! [I guess you could guess what I'm arriving at :D ] I too lost the mood, and started chattering away with Mass there. After another half-an-hour of the same 3-fingered salute, Kicha could recreate the magic of the original image on screen! :P Then, fed up of this routine, we saved the already existing folder of someone else and left the arena, in the name Vijay_Kishore, as the sole reason of my visit to the college, the LUNCH time, was elapsing! :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sparks flew everywhere! :)
From the second session onwards, the workshop was centered on teamwork activities. There was the mortality rate to be encountered, as a result of which only about 40-45 people returned to the seminar, after the bio-break. It started by 10.40. Each team had to have atleast two girls in it. Our team comprised of many people from my gang, so there was no marked uneasiness in the air. The team comprised of : Kicha, Mass, Cisc, Vasanth, Pandan, myself, Vijitha and Nithya (H batch girl). There were 7 teams in all. Arthu was sent off from our team to another team which had Deepak in it, to maintain the balance of the teams.
The concept of the session was to jot down all the problems faced by the present-day world, and solutions on how to rectify them. We were asked to create a mind-mapping of the problems and their solutions, and were given about half an hour's time. Vijitha was designated as the scribbler of our team, and we all made notable contributions with our own ideas. But, one guy who stole the show was obviously Cisc, given his unparalleled imaginative power. Kicha came closely second though. :P Most of their whimsical ideas were written as the hypothetical solutions to various problems plaguing the world. We had a whale of a time with everyone being in a flippant mood, and contributing with ideas of their own degree of weirdness. :D
The final session of the day, after the lunch break, was the implementation phase. :) Each of the 7 teams was given an important problem, and was asked to create a model city where that problem is solved either through technology or other means. We were assigned the task of creating a city with 100% literacy rate. We got down to planning our implementation, and once again, Cisc being the frontrunner in terms of the eccentricity of the ideas offered. After creating another mind-map for this specific problem, we got down to the implementation.
Some of the weirdest ideas which were fabricated by us were, Literacy Tablets [Courtesy : Cisc], Literacy implanted Genes [Courtesy : Kicha], Literacy Monuments [Courtesy : Vijitha I guess..not sure ;) ], Lessons on sarees, Literacy Vending Machines [ROFL!! You Rock da, Kicha :D], Robotic Arm [Courtesy : Mass]. I was one of those very few guys in the hall, who happened to think of highly rational ideas, which were also feasible, unlike the random thoughts of others...LOL!!
After the design part was over, Kicha and Mass remained inside to present to the panel of jury, our city, which was called the LIT CITY, as it was a city enlightened coz of cent percent literacy, and devoid of ignorance. This title was an extempore imagination of mass. :) Our team was adjudged the second. More so, this workshop was rated as probably the Best one by Mr.Pavan of all he had conducted. That is why, I have titled the post like this. :)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Oh my Teens! I'm left in the lurch now! :(
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Bizarre Sathyam Adventure!! ;)
I've never been to a cinema with my gang of college friends till a couple of days ago, which may be felt by many as absurd for a guy like me who knocks around in perpetuum with friends. This grotesque experience of mine happened on Tuesday, the 18th of this month.
It was the eve of the red-letter day of the most popular figure in our gang, Dinesh, better known by everyone as the MASS! ;) Classes ended for most of the guys with the third hour and for some, with the 4th hour. We all decided to spend the afternoon at the Sathyam Cinemas and have a ball. It was decided that we would go to an English movie titled Public Enemies starring Johnny Depp and Christian Bale, unanimously (though I was not involved in the decision-making process). Everyone was furious with Mass for not bringing his car to take us to theatre, and also, for not offering us a birthday-eve treat. :D
This was actually my first ever English movie in a theatre ever since I came to high school, so I was pretty apprehensive about going with them initially. Only after they told that I could easily follow and enjoy the movie, I decided to proceed. Eleven Usual Suspects decided to go to the movie at last and the list comprised of Mass, Arthu, Cisc, Vasanth, Pandu, Santhu, Shyam, Ram, Vicky, Deepak and myself.
We all reached the theatre by 1.50 for the 3.45 show. Halt there Guys! Don't ponder why. It's necessary to reach the theatre 2 hours in advance for a theoretical possibility of getting the 10 rupee tickets! [We're perfect local lads] ;) We were impersonating Rajni and Koundamani (thalaivaaaa!!) while we were in the queue. [Does Mannan strike a note??!! :P] We were the cynosure of all eyes at the cinema, but we're not ones to be bothered by all those! :D
When we reached the ticket counter, Cisc was the one with the money hence he was left the job of buying the tickets. But Lo! There were only 6 tickets for the movie for which we had come! :( Then, in a moment of madness, mass and myself shouted that we would instead go for Kaminey, a Hindi movie starring Shahid Kapoor in a dual role and Piggy Chops. Though this was induced by the highly positive opinions about the movie, We both didn't listen to anyone's animosity and told Cisc to go ahead and buy eleven tickets for Kaminey. The others were extremely annoyed as I was the only one there who could understand Hindi a little better than the others. And, what's more, I am almost an abecedarian in the language. :)
Then, after buying the tickets, without paying heed to all the brouhaha around, we reached Shyam's house which is within a stone's throw from the cineplex. [I wish I own a house there, Lucky fellow Shyam! :(] All the other guys were locked up in a room and doing something, God alone knows what! And being an ardent cricket fan, I started to watch the drab 5th ODI between B'desh and Zimbabwe at Bulawayo. When I switched on the tv, the Zimbabweans were tottering at 80 odd for the loss of 6 wickets. After about another hour of humdrum cricket at its best, everyone left for the show as it was about to commence shortly.
We reached the cinema, and were near the entrance, when a couple of guys took a detour to have a glimpse of someone in a niggardly attire. As if this wasn't enough, when we were about to enter the cinema hall, some were waiting like guards letting others to pass in for this sole purpose! ;) The guards glowered at our guys like we were causing a pain in their neck. But, anyone who knows us would certainly understand that this is nothing new. :D
When the movie began, everyone who was fighting for a seat near me so that I could be their interpreter, started to feel bad as I was not listening to the movie at all, and was totally engrossed in the chatter with Mass. Even those who started to feel that they should see the movie, lost their interest fully, courtesy Mass and myself. :) I just understood the gist of the first half of the movie with the few scenes I watched, and explained to some others what I could make out, during the interval.
Then, came the anti-climax at the end of the intermission. We thought that we could occupy a seat in the more luxurious 90 rupee ticket arena, as we felt that we won't be caught. When I went there, mass called me over to his next seat where Santhu had just sat down. I was engaged in a brawl with him, and as he refused to let me sit there, I sat (lay :D) on top of him and refused to get up. The security guards felt this to be too much of a nuisance, and they charged towards us intending to throw us out.
When we noticed this, Ram, Vicky and myself quietly ran away and placed ourselves among the 10 rupee ticket seats. The others didn't listen to us and stayed put at the same place. The guards came and almost whacked the others out of the theatre. [Those people won't accept this particular statement. :D] We three saw the second half completely without any sort of disturbance, and infact liked the movie and its narration, true to the reviews I had heard earlier.
But, that day, the story of the movie didn't linger in my mind. Instead, the thought of oneself being thrown out of a cinema theater, which seemed highly hypothetical till then, happening right in front of my eyes, had me in splits the entire day! :)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Three Mistakes of My Life!
Mistake #1:
The greatest mistake of mine, as everyone who knows me would certainly know, is the choice of my Career or one could say, my choice of a course in Computers. I've never been fascinated or attracted to the intelligent box right from my childhood, as a matter of fact, I was certainly more attracted towards the Idiot box. :) Exactly four years ago, everyone whom I met kept pointing out to me that if I work hard then, that would be the last year of my suffering, as a heaven named CEG would be in the beckoning, from where life is a bed of roses and nothing would be impossible to achieve. I made it a point to realize the potential which they visualized in me, by trying to work a bit harder at that point of time. As expected, I finished my schooling in flying colours. Then, on the fateful day of my counselling, to everyone's surprise, I chose to opt for a course in the prestigious Computer Science and Engineering course, in one of the most reputed technical institutions in the country. The reason for everyone's surprise was not because of the choice of the course, as it was everyone's dream at that time; but because of the fact that it was I who took the brave decision to start a career in the field of computers.
When I entered college, I remembered all the people saying that college life is absolute fun. I tried to enjoy life to the fullest in college, but I couldn't get back the bliss of my wonderful school life. I couldn't fathom why it was, but perhaps it was one fragment of a person's growing up process. Taking up responsibilities, which I felt as an important aspect of college, is not entirely my forte during my school days, though people would say that I do that involuntarily quite well. College life looked like one hell of a burden for me, and I felt I was not upto it. I started feeling a sense of insecurity among other people who I felt, were born to study in this college. I slowly started feeling that I do not belong here and gradually went into my shell. My self-confidence and hope, both of which were instrumental in making me what I was four years back, went into oblivion and I was a pale shadow of my earlier self. I still could not understand why the main weapon in my arsenal, hope, deserted me in the last three years, but that's perhaps the only reason for me standing now in front of others with my head hung low, more so as a loser in my life. :-(
Mistake #2:
The second most important mistake of my life, I would say is my addiction to Cricket. Being born in India, it is extremely difficult for any person, or atleast boy, to be not interested in it. India is a country of more than a billion people, and more than half the population would certainly be the ardent followers of the game. That's the sheer stupidity of a country, which boasts of only one individual gold medal in the Olympics, that too coming 61 years since its independence from the British rule. Every parent in the country says to the child, "Cricket is ruining all your routines. Do not let the game ruin your exams." But as it is imbibed in the minds of the young ones, they let their heart rule their mind and get obsessed with cricket, just as I did. I would readily bunk my classes in school or college just for the sake of playing or even watching cricket. Cricket ruined me to such an extent that I went to the final exam of my Class XI Chemistry exam, some fifteen minutes late into the hall, and immediately told the status of the match to my friend who was writing the exam. Even now, this addiction of mine, refuses to wane and part of the mistake lies with me too that I don't intend to rectify it, as I'm just one caught among a billion fools.
Mistake #3:
The third mistake which I committed in my life, is my decision to pursue CAT. Most of the people, who would agree with the earlier two mistakes as a reason of my downfall, would certainly not agree with this one, as there is still room for rectifying this mistake of mine. Even I agree that there is some time before this situation too gets out of hand. But as of now, this is a certain mistake, and possibly, a show of foolishness on my part. I've never been a hardworker in my entire college life as everyone knows, but still I am taking a plunge into the CAT. People might say that I would surely make it, but I'm infact, suffering from the fear of failure. This fear is the most depressing thought that one could ever get, and none who doesn't overcome this devil, would be able to end up successfully in life. The mistake on my part is to be afraid of the aftermaths, but as everyone says, I am beginning to realize that "Fortune favours the brave". So hopefully, I would be able to rectify this mistake and make a conscientious attempt towards achieving my dreams.