I would like to point out initially that the scientific community considers astrology a pseudoscience or superstition. The following are purely intended to provide facts from my life, and the inference part is left open for all the readers to arrive at. :)
The Google SMSChannels service is one of the lesser known free services provided by google. This is part of the google labs, which serves as a testing ground for new services being developed. I had come across this while browsing randomly a few months ago. I subscribed for certain channels like Cricket updates, Soccer news, and most important of all, the Astroyogi, to which this blog post is dedicated to. ;)
I've never had great belief in the concept of astrology, and I consider this sun-moon-star game as plain jabber and nothing more. This belief of mine might take roots in the fact that I don't know much philosophy, and also that I don't intend to. I would now like to share a few very recent instances, where I made much more fuss about astrology, than I've ever done in my life. :)
To everyone's astonishment (including that of mine), I had cleared the programming round and made it to the technical interview, in the campus placements of athenahealth Inc. I was running a very high temperature for the previous few days and could barely sit, let alone speak. I was made to wait for about 4 hours in the sweltering heat of the sun outside the CUIC, hence I never had any real hope with the physical trauma I was undergoing then.
My anxious wait for the interview was intercepted twice by our protagonist, the Astroyogi of course! ;) First of the 2 messages came at about 11.30. It read, "You will face problems in communication today because of the moon." Then at about 1.00 pm, I got the same message once again, with an added line. "Your actions will bear fruit only if you finish it by 12 noon today" :-| It seemed to me like, someone was keeping a watch over me, and sending me messages in accordance to what is occuring there. But it seemed funny to me in hindsight, that I was unsuccessful that day, in accordance with the message. :(
The next incident was at the CSE department symposium of B.S.Abdur Rahman University, Vandalur when I was about to take part in the puzzle championship. I teamed up with Arthu, and we didn't expect to be in the finals, because I felt our prelims performance was way below my own par. We were filling our tummy, and were thinking about leaving. Our hero entered the scene just at the right moment! :)
The message read, "Lady luck will bestow her smile upon you, and you will walk away with all the honours in your activities." The very next minute, I got a message from the event organizers that we were selected for the finals. Later in the day, we actually won the event, to my huge surprise. We both were totally bowled over by the coincidence which happened that day. :)
Being a CAT aspirant, it is really difficult to keep my mind off what happened during one of the mock CATs of T.I.M.E. I was way too low on the confidence levels, having already secured a double hat-trick [cricketing terminology..4 in 4..LOL ;)] of unseen failures. I was having a fever this time too, and I went to the test in absolute nonchalance, and I could also say that I wrote it just for a formality.
When I started to write the test, I sensed that it was a comparatively easier paper than the others and hence, I began to grow in confidence with each minute. Just then, I got the message from our lead guy, which read, "Today is your day. Nothing you get involved today will go wrong. Your confidence will get a huge boost." The message did prove to be true, though out of coincidence, as I secured a place among the toppers in the test for the first time. :)
Everyone in my friends is laughing these days whenever I get a message, as whatever significant happening to me, lies in accordance with the Astroyogi messages. When I think of the randomness of the various incidents listed here, smile creeps up inevitably. People are even telling me to hope for a similar message on the day of the actual CAT! :)
P.S.:- By the way, I forgot to add the FYP Zeroth review part.. Almost everyone in our department knows how scopeless our situation was on the day of the review, but with all due credit to our hero, we scraped through!! ASTROYOGIVIRGO rocks! :D
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